Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Home & Career Students Learn about Careers

Today, Mrs. Yalverton's Home & Careers students visited their library media center to learn about and conduct research in the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Both the print and online versions were utilzed by the students.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Mrs. Holtz' Students Meet Their School Librarian

Today, Mrs. Holtz' 6th grade students will visit their library media center to meet Mr. Dutcher, learn all about his expectations, and take a tour of the library. At the conclusion, students will have time to check out books for Sustained Silent Reading.

Friday, October 13, 2006

HS Students Slam Poetry in the LMC Coffeehouse

Verses were flying and coffee was chugging last night at our HS Student Poetry Slam in the Library Media Center Coffeehouse. Several poets presented to an audience composed of students, teachers, and community members. Winners of the contest were:
Aishlin C. (first place), Shane B. and Evan H. (tied for second place), and Martin C. (third place). Congradulations to our winners. Our next poetry slam will be a Dead Poets Slam on October 23 from 7-9PM.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Students Studying the Colonies in the LMC

Today, Ms. Welsh's students will visit their library to start their reseach about the 13 Colonies. Mr. Dutcher reviewed book, magazine, and web page citations with her classes at the start of the period.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Greek Mythology Studied

Ms. Wincek's HS English classes visited the LMC to conduct research on the Greek Gods and Goddesses.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

6th Grade Student Library Orientations

On Tuesday and Wednesday, Ms. White's 6th grade ELA classes are visiting the library media center to meet Mr. Dutcher and learn about their school library. He will be talking with them about his expectations, showing them the library web page, giving them a tour of the library, and discussing the different types of genre stickers we put on books in our fiction collection.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Ms. White's Visit LMC to Learn About Citing Web Pages

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week, Ms. White’s 8th grade Social Studies students visited their library media center to learn about citing web pages in MLA format. Using MLA note cards, students practiced writing web page citations with Mr. Dutcher and Ms. White. Mr. Dutcher also overviewed MLA citations for books, articles in reference books, magazine articles, and other forms of information.

Monday, May 15, 2006

HS Seniors Art Show in LMC this Week

All this week, high school seniors from our art department have their creations on display in the library media center. Stop by to check out their works.

Monday, May 08, 2006

MS Students Practice MLA Citations

On Monday and Tuesday, Mrs. Leonello's ELA classes visited their library to learn MLA citations for books and internet web sites. Mr. Dutcher led the class and answered questions as everyone practiced on preselected books and web sites.

HS Calculus Students Start Research Papers

Today, Mrs. Doubet's students came down to their library media center to begin their research on mathematics in the real world. Suggested research topics include Fractals, Tessalations, Wavelets, Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden Ration, mathematics and the cosmos, mathematics and internet security, mathematics of crime solving, and mathematics of financial decision making. In addition, students also had to read a fiction book with a mathematics theme.