Friday, April 29, 2005

End-of-the-Year Tentative Schedule

As we wind down this school year, we need to stop book circulation soon so that we can conduct an inventory of the LMC collection. An inventory should be done every year and it has been five years since one was conducted in our library.

The last day for checking out library books will be Friday, May 6 and all books will be due at the end of the day on Thursday, May 26. This will allow us ensure all books are returned and that they are in their proper place so that we can do an accurate inventory and update our library catalog.

By doing this inventory, we will be better able to meet the instructional needs of our teachers and the leisure reading needs of our students. Please stop by the LMC if you have any questions.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Class Visits

Today, Mr. Russo's students returned to work on their middle school essays. In addition, Ms. Cunningham's class visited the library. They're celebrating National Poetry Month by 'putting a poem in your pocket.' Fun was had by all.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Welcome Back From Spring Break!

On Monday and Tuesday this week, we're working with Mr. Crocker, Ms. Soriano, & Mr. McWain's Earth Science students (8 classes and about 160 students) as they work on research projects about environmental issues related to the national parks. We're using the General Science Collection and ProQuest full-text databases, and also talking about plagiarism and the importance of citing sources in MLA.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Classes in the LMC 4/6/05

Today in the LMC, Ms. Baron's MS home & careers class visted to conduct research into the Occupational Outlook Handbook and other print resources. Ms. Spitzer's HS government class returned to continue their research on controversial issues.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Classes in the LMC 4/5/05

Ms. Spitzer's HS government class returned to research controversial issues with Issues & Controversies, CQ Researcher, and othe resources. Ms. Ragan's business class and Ms. Vorstadt's MS home & careers class visited to research occupations and careers.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Classes in the LMC 4/4/05

Ms. Spitzer's HS government class visited to learn about researching controversial issues with Issues & Controversies online database for their participation in government assignment. Ms. Vorstadt's MS home & careers class visited to research different occupational career choices. Mr. Deemer's MS social studies class also visited to use the LMC classroom.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Classes in the LMC Today

Today Ms. Spitzer's HS government class will be in to learn about resarching controversial issues with Issues & Controversies online database for their participation in government assignment. Ms. During's HS British literature will be visiting to learn about searching General Science Colletion and other resources for their research assignment about Frankenstein. Ms. Lauria's English class will also be back to do book selection for sustained silent reading.